About Me

A lifetime of surgery in the NHS and latterly with the ICRC in Gaza has been a rewarding life but with little time to indulge my interest in sculpture until recent years.                   

Nevertheless, this  provided me with a rich and humbling experience of human resilience. This informs my sculpture almost subconsciously.

Small pieces in wax are cast into bronze or bronze resin, large pieces are developed in plaster and scrim on a steel armature and can be cast in bronze or bronze resin.

Stone is fascinating and demanding medium and I enjoy releasing a form from a rough piece of rock that glows when polished- polyphant, serpentine, onyx and soapstone so far . Chiselling into Portland stone releases the aroma of fossilised animals dead for millennia. 

Reliefs expose  some of the problems of sculpture but one also wrestles with the challenges of two dimensional representation.

Browse any or all of these different types of sculpture on the website.